What is colon hydrotherapy:
Colon Hydrotherapy, also know as colonics and colon irrigation, is a method of cleansing the colon of accumulated fecal matter and bacteria from the bowel. The colon is a muscle and colon hydrotherapy helps to stimulate and exercise this muscle. A gentle flow of warm purified water is introduced into the colon by the Angel of Water® (FDA approved medical device open system colonic device) featuring a sterile, disposable rectal nozzle and state-of-the-art ultraviolet water filtration. This activates peristaltic movement which stimulates peristalsis and hydrates.
• Colon hydrotherapy is a gentle process of putting water in the colon for the purpose of softening and eliminating waste
• Colon hydrotherapy is a safe process for colon cleansing
• Colon hydrotherapy is an accepted prep for colonoscopy
What to Expect:
**The first time you visit plan on about an hour and a half. Our New Client Package is spaced over 2 sessions within 48 hours. On the first session day our I-ACT certified colon hydrotherapist will review the intake paperwork you have filled out in advance of arrival and brought in with you. Any questions or concerns will be addressed in your consultation. Click here to view our Client Forms
Next your colon hydrotherapist will coach you on using the colonic equipment and the features of the machine. You will then begin your colonic session, this usually last 30-40 minutes of actual time on the machine. Prior to your appointment view the animated video on the colonic device/session so you have a better understanding of how the Angel Of Water® works. Your therapist will be available to you during your session, however you will also have some private time if you prefer. At the end of your session there will be time to allow your body to drain any excess water it may be holding. When the session is finished you will dress and be offered a probiotic and mineral water.
The session is performed with the utmost concern in modesty for the client. (It is beyond the scope of practice for the therapist to insert or assist in inserting the nozzle into the rectum**) The therapist will provide you with a sheet to cover yourself to maintain your privacy. The Angel of Water® Colonic Device is designed to be “self operating,” after the therapist instructs you on the proper use of the device, and any questions you may have are answered, you control the session. Many clients like to bring in a book to read or listen to soft music or meditate during the session.
On your second visit (within in 24-72 hours is highly recommended) you will experience our relaxing SOQI Spa Far Infrared session then you will do your second colon hydrotherapy session. Your therapist will be happy to discuss any questions and determine future appointments customized to your goals.
Regular colonic sessions last about 40 minutes. Your appointments after the initial colonic session will be booked for one hour in the colonic room to allow time for questions and getting dressed.
Disclaimer : These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. They are not meant to diagnosis, cure, treat or prevent any medical issue. Consult your healthcare provider.
I-ACT certified colon hydrotherapists use FDA registered equipment and follow high standards of practice as set forth by the International Association for Colon Hydrotherapy.
Before Your Colonic:
The day before you colonic session drink plenty of water as the procedure works best when you hydrate and eat light.
Do not eat for 2 hours before the colon hydrotherapy session. If you have been constipated drinking herbal teas or taking natural laxatives before the session is helpful to soften fecal matter. Doing an enema at home to relieve constipation is also helpful and will make session easier. Severe Impaction is a contraindication and should be addressed BEFORE a colonic session.
After your Colonic
Some good choices for foods after a session: soups, soft fruits, or steamed vegetables, juicing or a smoothie. Avoid alcohol, meat, dairy, hard to digest fruits and vegetables, beans, and sugary items. Rest and relaxing is alway beneficial however you can return to normal daily activities. It is recommended to not do strenuous exercise after a session.
Included, but are not limited to: recent colon, rectal or abdominal surgery; congestive heart failure; intestinal perforations; carcinoma of the rectum; fissures or fistula; severe hemorrhoids; abdominal hernia; renal insufficiency; pregnancy; and cirrhosis of the liver, Impaction and certain medications. If you have a concern about your health or the appropriateness of colon hydrotherapy please consult your physician or licensed healthcare practitioner.
Disclaimer : These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. They are not meant to diagnosis, cure, treat or prevent any medical issue. Consult your healthcare provider.
I-ACT certified colon hydrotherapists use FDA registered equipment and follow high standards of practice as set forth by the International Association for Colon Hydrotherapy.
**Please Note: The first appointment is about learning how to use the equipment and allowing your body to adjust to the session, therefore the actual time on the machine can be less than 40 minutes. It is possible it can take some time to adjust to getting the nozzle inserted correctly. Your therapist will explain the process however CANNOT assist in inserting the nozzle. Our appointments are scheduled for allotted blocks of time and we appreciate your understanding of the therapists time in coaching you, doing your intake and answering all of your questions. If more time is needed we may be able to add additional time to your second visit if the schedule allows. You will still be expected to pay the full amount of the New Client Package even if you were not successful in adjusting to the nozzle. Please do not be frustrated, it can take some time to learn how to adjust to the nozzle and your therapist will be very patient with this process. 😉
To see pricing options click HERE
All New Client Packages are required to be PREPAID. Purchase online or call our office for help. 317-564-0930
*All Sales Are Final, We do not offer refunds on missed or canceled appointments, however will offer in store credit for services only.
ALL Clients must be 18 years or older to receive Colon Hydrotherapy.
Update on HSA/FSA cards, our POS/Merchant Processing will no longer accept these cards for Colon Hydrotherapy Services. I have appealed the decision to no avail. Thank You for understanding we can no longer accept them.

Our Serene Colon Hydrotherapy Room Featuring the Angel Of Water