Colon Hydrotherapy

All New Client Package Services are required to be PrePaid. You can purchase online or call our office for help. 317-564-0930


Single Session 40 minutes…………..$90.00 (this is for clients who have been to our center and are familiar with Colon Hydrotherapy)

Single Session 60 minutes…………..$95.00 (this is for clients who have been to our center and are familiar with Colon Hydrotherapy)

New Client Package……………………$185.00** (We do not take New Clients on Saturdays)

Includes Two Colonic sessions, Consultation, & 15 minute SOQI Spa session.( This is for the first time client or client new to our center. Please call for scheduling assistance**)

New Client One Session……………..$100.00 (We do not take new clients on Saturdays)

This is for clients new to our center but have experienced colon hydrotherapy in the past, includes one session and consultation. (Please understand even though you may be familiar with colon hydrotherapy, we have to do the paperwork and consultation as part of our professional organization requirements)

4 Package of Regular Colonics………………….$330.00

(includes four, 15 minute SOQI Spa Sessions)

3 Package of 60 minute Colonics………………….$265.00

5 pack of 60 minute Colonic…………………………$435.00

Castor Oil Pack Add On…… $6.50  (add a disposable castor oil pack to your session or take it home for later use) 

Digestive Consultation (1 hour) ………………$55.00

Update on HSA/FSA cards, our POS/Merchant Processing will no longer accept these cards for Colon Hydrotherapy Services. I have appealed the decision to no avail. Thank You for understanding we can no longer accept them.

Colon Hydrotherapy Clients must be above the age of 18

Colon Hydrotherapy

Our Serene Colon Hydrotherapy Room Featuring the Angel Of Water

Energy and Sound Table Sessions

SOQI Spa Session 15 minute……………………….$20.00

SOQI Spa Session 30 minute……………………….$35.00

ERE Electro Reflex Energizer 15 minute ………$15.00

ERE Electro Reflex Energizer 30 minute………$30.00

E – Power Body Energizer 30 minute ……………$30.00

Raindrop Technique (must call for availability) $150.00

Sound Table Sessions:

30 Minutes On Sound Table: ……………………….$40.00 (recommended)

40 Minutes On Sound Table: ……………………….$45.00

50 Minutes On Sound Table: ……………………….$50.00

60 Minutes On Sound Table: ……………………….$60.00

IONIC Foot Spa

Ionic Foot Soak Single Session……..$55.00

Ionic Foot Soak 3pk…………………….$150.00

Ionic Foot Soak w/Energy……………$65.00

Ionic Foot Soak w/ Energy 5 pk……$300.00

Ambre® Blends Foot Soak………….$55.00

ADD ON  to foot spa essential oil vita flex …….$35.00

Holistic Skin Care Services 

By Cindy Aguirre LE

At this time Cindy is not providing Skin Care Services as her schedule is not permitting time. 

Cancellation Policy All appointments must be canceled 24 hours prior to service via telephone 317-564-0930, text 317-586-8905  and/or e-mail: Our scheduling software automatically sends appointment reminders with a link to confirm appointment and contact information to cancel or reschedule.

A late cancelation fee of $50.00 will be applied to client’s credit card on file (0r billed at next appointment if credit card is not on file) for failure to cancel with 24 hours notice.

While we understand true emergencies happen we will waive fees on a situational basis and reschedule your appointment with no additional fee.

No call/No show appointments will be billed full service amount and must prepay any future appointments.

We will auto cancel your appointment if you are 15 minutes late w/o contacting us to let us know.

We are sorry for any inconvenience this may cause but this common courtesy makes room for other clients to schedule appointments in time slots that have been made available. Our therapist do not make hourly wages and depend on their scheduled clients for income.

Massage Therapy

Indy North Massage Therapy

For more information click the link below

Indy North Massage Therapy

Southpaw Therapeutics

Melissa Maxwell LMT 317-902-1486

Health and Wellness Coaching